Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tech Tip Cheezburger Meme

(Image Source: Cheezburger)


  1. okay...well I have already commented on your introduction post and we are in the same group again so naturally I am going to comment on this post. First off, solid choice choosing a picture with the little man from Princess Bride. Second off, if this does not truly sum up our semesters in Physics 1 and 2 I really don't know what does. Ha hoping this doesn't describe us in PT school but honestly no one knows what the future holds...

  2. Haha! I like your meme a lot; it made me laugh. That is exactly how I feel after spending countless hours studying. Sadly, there comes a point in the studying when it’s just time to let it go and move on. The worst part is when you open up your exam to see that first question and knowing it is just going downhill from there.
