"I can't believe this!" Father yelled as he slammed his fist into the wooden table, causing several pitchers to crash to the ground. "We had ten guards stationed at the entrance. Ten! How could they have possibly gotten by?!"
"I don't know, Your Highness...We'll question the guards again. All I know is that there were no signs of anyone entering or exiting, but they had clearly been in there for one of them to fall into your trap," the head guard Milo stammered, clearly terrified by King Rhampsinitus' anger. I felt bad for him, knowing my father would likely have his head for this.
"You better. If one more piece of gold or precious jewel is taken from my treasure again, you'll surely be the one to pay," Father threatened while lifting Milo up by the shirt. He nodded, bowed, and hurried away as Father turned to face me. I was confused by his thoughtful expression.
"My sweet Maya... I would like you to do a favour for me. One of the two men who has been stealing from my treasure chamber was caught last night in the trap I laid...only he was found to have no head. Clearly, they both entered and did not want to be caught, so the other left and took the head with him. I want you to use your charm and beauty and see if you can find the other man and identify these men," Father condescendingly explained as he pulled my hair back behind my ear. I couldn't believe what he was asking me to do. This was my chance to escape the palace and my overbearing father- if even just for a few hours.
"Yes, Father, I will do what you ask of me," I responded, pretending as if I was not thrilled by this task. I rushed to my room and quickly donned my oldest cape, dress, and mud-stained riding boots usually saved for excursions in the rain. With one last look in the mirror to ensure I was unrecognizable with the hood over my face, I raced down the winding staircase and through the double-door entrance and out to the streets.
I dodged my way through the crowded bazaar and located a man who I thought to be friendly enough to ask if he knew anything about the robberies. He quickly nodded his head "no" and scurried away when he realized I was not interested in purchasing any fresh apples or pears from him. So I asked the next man I saw and the next but received the same response each time. Finally, someone tapped my right shoulder and I turned around to find a handsome young man smiling at me while holding a young toddler boy chewing triumphantly on a piece of bread.
"Hello there, Miss. I couldn't help but overhear your questions to the men you met earlier. You know, about the robberies. I might be able to help you if you help me in return," he playfully suggested, grinning ear to ear while playing with the small boy's dark hair.
"Hm... how about... I will marry you if you tell me who the robbers are," I offered with a sly smile of my own, knowing it was an opportunity no one in their right mind would resist. I mean, I hope no one would be able to resist that.
"Now, how could I ever resist that?" the man laughed. See, I was right. I knew he wouldn't be able to. "Alright, I'll tell you. It was me. I stole the treasure." I was taken aback for a moment. There was no possible way that this man holding a small child and smirking at me was the robber, let alone the man who cut off another man's head just to save his identity. But he kept grinning at me and we couldn't tear our eyes away from each other.
"If it was really you... then what's the most wicked thing you've ever done?" I challenged this man knowing full well he wouldn't have the right answer. I crossed my arms and tried to look intimidating as he thought for a second.
"Well, if you really must know, I cut off my brother's head when he was caught in a trap inside the royal chamber while we were stealing gold to sell and feed the children of the orphanage we both ran together. But now I suppose it's just me and the orphans," he sadly explained. My jaw dropped because I had not expected such a seemingly normal- and did I mentioned handsome- man to have committed such a terrible deed but for such a charming and wonderful reason. How could I ever explain that to my father? He would never understand. I knew what I had to do, but I also knew what I wanted to do. I chose the latter.
"Well, not just you...I'll come with you!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the young boy from his arms and started off down the street, not even sure if I was going in the right direction. Turns out I was and the man- whose name I still didn't know, but at this point, didn't care- caught up to me, with a look of shock and excitement on his face. I glanced back at the palace and thought of my father, what he would think, and what he would say. But I didn't care about that either. It was just liberating to be out of that cold palace and doing something spontaneous for once, even if I didn't really know who this man was. I was sure I would figure it out, just like he would realize I'm the princess- all in due time. We shared a crazed look and continued down the street to a cluster of children- the rest of the orphans- and then home to the orphanage, with the children laughing and singing the entire way.
Authors Note:
I took inspiration from this story from the tale of two brothers who are robbing the King's treasure over and over and when one of them is caught, the other cuts off his head so that their identities are not revealed. The part I wanted to expand on was when the King sent his daughter to try to find the brother who was still alive and capture him, but he was too sneaky and escaped, causing the King to be so amazed that he gave his daughter in marriage. There was not much said about the daughter so I wanted to explore her character and tell the story from her point of view. I added that she did not like her father and no longer wanted to stay in the palace, so she was excited at the task of finding the thief. I also wanted to give the brothers a heroic and good reason for stealing all of the money so that they were not just greedy robbers. When Maya and the man (to whom I never gave a name because I found it humorous that the men were only referred to as the brothers throughout the entire story) met, I gave them instant chemistry and attraction, which resulted in her insanely and spontaneously deciding to go with him, even though she didn't know him. I know it's a little crazy, but so is love!
Link to Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie.
I love that she offered marriage up to the man so quickly without knowing anything about him except that he may have some information about the robberies. Also, the baby in his arms would have made me think that he wasn't in a market for a wife! And then after admitting to the robbery, will she still marry him? After reading your author's note I see that you are also shocked by the sudden proposal! I have not read the source story, but I may consider it for extra reading in the future. Great expansion.
ReplyDeleteHey Katie! I really enjoyed this story! I couldn't stop reading it! I always love a romance story. I really like that you capitalized on a character that didn't have a huge role in the original story! That is one of my favorite ways to make a story my own! I think it was interesting that the girl hadn't gone out of the palace much, and the first man that actually talks to she offers to marry! It was a great story overall!
ReplyDeleteI was definitely shocked by this story. How could she marry a man and run away with him after finding out he killed someone? She without a second thought just up and left everything behind after one meeting. Maybe I am just too logical to understand this but it just seemed so abrupt.