Saturday, January 14, 2017

Comment Wall

Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading! Constructive criticism appreciated!

Here is a link to my Storybook website: Breaking News! Don Quixote: A Hero?


  1. I loved this introduction! The angle you chose to take with the reporters is both unique and hilarious. I appreciated the little comments in the parentheses so we could really visualize all the craziness. I was laughing the entire time I read this. Using the neighbors as eyewitness accounts really just sealed the deal that something was up. Ha sounds like real crime so they report on anything. Maybe some pictures would be good, like in the news it puts up kind of a mug shot of Don Quixote with a crazed look in his eye or maybe pictures of each of the "witnesses" to his craziness aka neighbors? I think it would give the page more visual interest, but your writing is so vivid that the story definitely doesn't need to rely on pictures! You left a great cliff hanger and now I really want to know what adventures he will go on!

  2. Hey Katie!

    First of all, I really like the news anchor theme you have going on here in your introduction. Is that a sign pointing to how the rest your stories will be? I think it's a really unique idea that you could build off of! I thought the comments in parentheses helped visualize the story as it went on and even provided some comic relief in between scenes. It made me laugh a lot! This Don Quixote character definitely seems bizarre and I'm looking forward to reading more on how he develops along with your story.

    I thought the layout of your storybook looked similar to the formatting of a news broadcasting website. It was very formal, simple, and clean, which went along great with your theme. I think incorporating some more imagery into your details would help the reader visualize what's going on, but you're already off to a great start!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Katie! I really liked your introduction to your storybook. I liked the theme of the introduction with the news anchors. Will you be telling stories of adventures of Don Quixote through the news/news anchors? That would be really cool if that is your plan. I also like how you included some humor into your introduction and look forward to seeing that throughout your storybook. I did find myself chuckling a few times at the thought of a news station actually reporting on something like this. They must have very low crime rates! Haha. Your introduction really captured my attention and has made me excited to read your storybook later on in the semester. I am a little confused on what exactly the theme of the storybook will be. As I said above, I assume it will be adventures of Don Quixote but I'm not completely sure. Maybe you could make the theme more clear by focusing more on that part of the introduction where he talks about his desire for adventure. Very good!

  4. Hey Katie,

    I like that you are doing a twist to Don Quixote! I remember reading and learning about him in my Spanish class throughout high school. I like that you chose to start with a breaking news cast, I feel as if that was very clever and there are so many things that you can add on to it. After reading it, I was very excited to follow along with the rest of your storybook. I am left with a few questions and suggestions though. I know I am very familiar with the story of Don Quixote, but other people might not be aware of who he was. Maybe in your introduction include a very brief background of who he was? You could also include a list of the different characters that you plan to use in your story as well! Your introduction makes me wonder what your plan is for the stories that follow. What point of view will the stories be told from? Don Quixote or the news anchors?

    Aside from those questions, I could tell that you put a lot of thought into your introduction. It kept me entertained and did not have me losing my focus. I think that what you have so far is very good!

  5. What a cool idea! It was very creative to use a news script format for your introduction. I hope you maintain this style throughout the entire storybook. I liked the subtle humor you added as Francisco lied to Mr. Panza about being helpful and enlightening, and I even laughed out loud when I read the part about her staring awkwardly at the screen. I would really love to see images going with the descriptions of the character's actions. I realize this may be difficult to do, but I think it would add even more humor to the story. I would like a little more info as to what kind of adventures Don Quijote is having. I think it would help entice the reader to want to learn more about the character and his antics, especially if they are unfamiliar with the original story. Great job on your intro! I look forward to reading about Don Quijote's craziness.

  6. When Margarita stared at the screen in discomfort, I laughed because it reminded me of the Office where they just stare at the camera for a few seconds with a blank expression.

    Interesting plot and format! The news network aspect is new. It's refreshing to read this story since it's more of a script format and I like it so far! It's pretty neat and clean, so it's easy to follow. I like the narrative as well. I like the personalities and variation you add with each character you introduce; it's realistic and I like that you include their reactions as well, though it may be subtle (considering they're news professionals). The story is amusing and I'm enjoying it so far! I look forward to reading the next one :^).

    The photoshop is not too bad! Photoshop is hard to figure out at first, but you'll get the hang of it!

    Nice work!

  7. Hi, Katie! I’m from the Epics of India class, but when I saw that your storybook was over Don Quixote, I was super excited to read it because I remember reading a comic book version in my high school Spanish class. Don Quixote is a classic! Anyway, I love the informality of your story and the development of your news cast characters. I think my favorite minor character was Juan just because of his awkwardness! I was thinking, you could embed a clip in a typical news-style of Don Quixote doing something, and then Margarita and Santiago comment! This would add something extra to your story, and would involve some more visual aid to people who don’t know the story. Besides this, I think you did a great job of retelling the tale of Don Quixote in a humorous and wonderfully written style. I can’t wait to read the upcoming chapters!

  8. Love the way you tell the story! The Anchors are the best! (these comments help get rid any confusion.) I must agree with one of the comments above (below?) to and a little more backstory to Don Quixote to inform us uneducated folk (just kidding… sort of). You did a really great job with the pictures and they really help bring your story up a step. You do a wonderful job of bringing in characters into the story I especially love the inn keeper in how he was just playing along like he sees crazy every day and it does not faze him at all. I love all the comments on people getting caught off guard too, it really makes the story feel real. Your story is really unique and I am excited to see where it will go. Can’t wait to stop back in! Good luck and I hope this helps.

  9. I love the format you chose to use for your Storybook! The dialogue is so accurate for how the nightly news is and the awkward encounters that happen when random neighbors get interviewed. It is working well for your actual story, along with the introduction. I remembered reading your introduction a while back, but it still made me laugh the second time. I love the picture you chose to use for your first story; it really sets the scene in my mind. You do a great job with the descriptions and the imagery that I am laughing and actually feel like I am watching this go down in my mind. You capture the little details that happen in the newsroom and it really adds to the feel of the story. Don, (can I call him Don? I feel like I can) is so over the top that he would be a sensation anywhere he went because everyone would just be waiting to see what crazy thing he does next. I am excited for your next story!

  10. Katie,
    I think that your storybook is off to a really great start! I really like how your introduction is set up like a newscast and is entirely conversation; I think that this gives it an interesting feel while still explaining all of the relevancies regarding your storybook. I think that your stories are really great that they follow the same dialogue only storytelling as your introduction. I think that adding some more detail into the dialogue would be useful to your stories, though. I also think that adding some different pictures would be a good idea and would help visual what's going on, etc. I think just one news picture would be good and I would suggest changing the one of the newscasters because I think there's a better picture that could be used for the story. Overall though, I think you've done a great job with your storybook! I would also just recommend updating the homepage a little bit to make it more relevant to your storybook, maybe updating the pictures and changing the text a little bit would go a long way.

  11. Hi Katie! I first clicked on your story this week because of the name. I love reading and learning more about don Quixote and the breaking news element adds even more interest. I love the news anchors idea because it is so relatable- everyone has seen a newscast! In the choosing of the squire story i love the casualness of Sancho when it comes to being chosen as squire. The details that you have added of the actual anchors is great because it adds more comedy to such a serious story. I also like the photos that you included- they really add to your story by giving us that little bit of visual representation. It would be cool to add some news cast music or breaking news sound bite, too! Don Quijote is very hard to read and understand so your storybook really humanizes the story even more. I look forward to reading even more of your storybook and I especially hope you include the windmills.

  12. Hey Katie!
    Back again to read one of your stories for the week. I thoroughly enjoy all of the back and fourth conversation that you have going on. Sometimes in my writing I find it hard to do dialogue. I think you did an excellent job. One thing I would maybe suggest would be to bold or italicize the different speakers. You could even maybe space them out a little more just to make it more clear on when the next speaker is talking. I really liked how you included little excerpts of what they were doing in between in the dialogue! I also very much enjoyed how you tried to build off of the different names and meanings in your story. I think you did a very good job of doing that throughout the story. I wonder what would happen if Diego was chosen as the squire or if you added some twist like that and do something that people weren't expecting. I also wonder what happens next on his journey. That would be funny to see Don Quixote get robbed. Anyways, I can't wait to read your next story. Keep up the good work!

  13. Hey, Katie! Telling your story from the perspective of a local news station is brilliant! I, myself, have never read Don Quixote, so I appreciate your storybook! From your intro I figured out that Don Quixote was crazy, but you cleared any speck of doubt I had when you wrote about him in your first author's note. Also, like you, the news anchors interactions bring some great humor to your story overall.
    I know your story is about Don Quixote, but I am quickly finding that the news anchors have taken my interest. That being said, I don't think this is a bad thing at all. If anything, it's a nice surprise because it gives character and personality to more characters than just the main one. I also liked Juan's little part in the first story. It's his first time on the set and he is extremely proud when he finishes his little spiel. That was great haha. Keep up the great writing!

  14. First off, I love the story format you’ve taken with this. It can be hard sometimes to fit dialogue, action, and descriptions all into a thousand words, but this lets you balance all the elements efficiently, without it feeling like a compromise. The way you’ve chosen to open with a “Breaking News” feature is pretty brilliant, too: I really enjoyed how the story started right in the thick of things and filled us in on what we needed to know when we needed to know it, instead of getting bogged down with info-dumps or backstory. I’m also a pretty big fan of how you’ve used the action beats between lines to sneak in so much character development.

    As for the plot itself, I was only vaguely aware of the story behind Don Quixote before this, so I kind of felt like I was getting the best of both worlds in reading this: knowledge of the original story, but also a lot of entertainment factor from the changes you’ve made. Great job with this!

  15. Hello, Kathryn! I was excited to read your third story! I really feel like I have been on such a journey with Don, so I was ready to see what he did next. There is always hilarious chaos happening in your stories, but with the format you chose it is so easy to keep up with the story and all the characters. Don seems like a fool who is going on a fool’s errand, but I like how you keep an air of mystery about him. I hope he turns out to be right about those windmills and they really were giants! I was laughing at the thought of a grown man charging full speed at a windmill to attack it. I noticed in your fourth paragraph from the bottom, you forgot to close your parenthesis when Diego realizes that the windmills cannot answer his questions. There were so many times in this story where I was laughing from visualizing this play out from the descriptions you put in parentheses. Those were so crucial and you did a great job with the humor!

  16. I really enjoy your story book idea! I remember reading Don Quixote in middle school Spanish class, but I don’t remember much of it. I like how you told the story in the form of news interviews, I thought that was really creative and different. I think that the nature of the original story lends itself nicely to being a news story. I also liked how you had small funny intro news in each story. I think that made it seem a little more like a real news cast. You mentioned how you wanted to have someone be interviewed before Don Quixote was interviewed, since his perspective can’t really be trusted. I thought that was a smart idea, that way you can establish was is actually going on before Don Quixote comes along and gives version of the events that are happening. I can’t wait to read your next story and to see what the next adventure that Don Quixote and Sancho Panza go on is.

  17. Good Evening Katie,

    The introduction to this story was certainly unique and a far far cry from the original material that this storybook is based upon. Presenting the story as a breaking news report made for television certainly is an interesting way for introducing the audience to the character of Don Quixote. The names you chose to use for the reporters are traditional for the country of origin for this story; while it was a small detail it is one I certainly enjoyed the inclusion of. Presenting the character of Don Quixote as an individual that appears to be delusional to his neighbors, while promising that he will one day become a famous hero, was an intriguing decision but one that I do approve of. I will say I did jump past the second portion of your storytelling directly to the “choosing of a squire”, specifically because the name was more appealing. I found it interesting you have decided to continue with the news broadcast theme throughout the entirety of the story, reporting on Don as if he is another celebrity in the world. Your writing is humorous and a joy to read, I certainly enjoyed it.

  18. I am loving the way your story is turning out! I think its awesome that you took the crew of the network and added it into the story like they were meant to be there! I like that the news person was starting to see if what Don Quixote was saying was really true. The personalities and great in the story and i live that everyone is so into the story of Don Quixote. I love the breaking news video too! It really make the story great.

  19. Katie! I've read your storybook in the past and really liked it, so I decided to revisit it this week for project feedback! I see you've added a few stories and I thought they were done really well! I still really like your writing style and think that using newscasters to deliver the story is a really satirical, well-done story telling technique that you do really well. I also really like your parenthetical directions describing what the camera is doing, it's easy to picture what a viewer seeing these newscasters on tv would actually be seeing. When you use these parenthetical directions in your stories though, you use them in the middle of someone talking sometime and I think that this makes it a little confusing at times to tell who is talking after. Maybe at the first part of the quote, you should leave a ... before the parenthetical direction and then pick up the quote with another ... . Or maybe just use their names again like they're just starting to talk again. Either way I think would be fine, but I do think that adding either of these would make your story a little clearer on who is talking and I think that this would be of great benefit to your stories.

  20. Katie,
    I wanted to revisit you and see how your final story ended up turning out because I loved your storybook idea. I thought that overall you did an excellent job of revising everything that you needed to and I really enjoyed the style of writing that you chose. I felt that the newscast was very interesting and something I never would have thought of. For your final story, I loved how you included a youtube link to a news cast thing. You also stayed very consistent in your writing which I also enjoyed seeing. I feel like it would be a lot to keep up with the direction of things for a newscast. If I was to suggest any changes for your story it would be that maybe to bold new characters or space things out more. Some of the stuff felt like it ran together. I really liked the changes you made from the original. That would be interesting to see if the camera man got involved in the story somehow. Overall, great storybook!!

  21. This Storybook is adorable! I've never actually read Don Quixote all the way through, but I did have to read the windmill story in one of my Spanish classes and it was very entertaining! I really love the way you had the side gags with the incompetent reporters and the always bored Diego. It was also very interesting how you wrote it like a movie script rather than having narration! I really liked that style and thought it was very unique. The way you changed up the stories so that you could hear Don Quixote's thoughts and the interviewed thoughts of the other people was great too! I love how at the end even Diego almost believes that maybe windmills could be giants too! Also your Photoshop for the breaking news pictures looks great! I thought it really added a nice touch, and I love the way you named the news station after Miguel de Cervantes! Are you putting up another story or was that the last one? I wish there was a story that tied everything together, but all things considered, the windmill story is a good place to leave off. Great job!
